Sunday, February 23, 2014

Share Books Sunday : The Brave Pilgrims Edition

Click here to buy your copy of The Brave Pilgrims.
It's Sunday! Share what you're reading - I'm reading Rush Limbaugh's Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrim's. Not a political book at all, Rush is merely trying to interest kids in our country's backstory (well, there is a tiny bit about collectivism not working, but that is a true part of the pilgrim's story). Turning himself into a fictional character, Rush and his time traveling horse, Liberty, visit the Pilgrims before, during, and after their journey. Honestly, it's far from a great book.  It's kind of cheesy, and some interactions with the pilgrims are just too far fetched even from a book featuring  a time traveling horse. However, it achieves Limbaugh's goal of giving kids an entertaining window into the past.  My eleven year old is reading it, too, and she says it's hilarious. (I find it mildly amusing.) She studied the Mayflower's journey at school this year and thought it was really cool that Limbaugh covered the basics in a more entertaining manner.  (If there are any fellow John Howland descendants out there, she especially loved that the story of him falling overboard was included.)  As something of an introductory history it's not bad.  I will probably buy it's sequel just because my daughter enjoyed this one and I know she'll read the next.

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