Friday, March 28, 2014

A Book I Can't Wait to Read: Neil Gaiman's Marvel 1602

    There are some authors that I want to read, no matter how improbable the dustcover description makes a book sound. Neil Gaiman is pretty close to the top of that short list of writers, and I was pretty sure I knew at least the titles of all of his work. I was happily proven wrong this morning when this book popped up in my Recommended section on Amazon. I've never been into super heros, but if Gaiman writes it, I want to read it so I clicked the link. As crazy as it sounds, Gaiman takes Marvel's familiar heros (including Spiderman, Daredevil and the X-Men) and moves them to the year 1602. They have to deal with all the correct historical issues of the day, and of course save the world - super hero style. After reading the Publisher's Weekly review, I'm convinced I will love this book!

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