Like many people, being an adult has wrecked my ability to sleep. I have to trick my brain in to shutting down. My primary trick is to plug in some headphones and play an audiobook. My brain focuses on the story, I relax and most nights I'm out like a light. On the nights I don't sleep, I get to hear the books I love read professionally instead of just letting my crazy brain run wild. It's a win either way!
(I don't just sleep to audiobooks, either. You'd be amazed how pleasant cleaning the house can be when Elijah Wood is reading Huckleberry Finn to you.)
Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks
I subscribe to Audible's Gold Plan, which means for $14.95 a month I get one audiobook (or a credit toward future books if I don't choose a new one ever month) and 30% off additional audiobooks. I love having pre-paid credits so I can always download the books I want when I want them.
You can try Audible for fee for 30 days. The benefits included in the free trial are:
• Get two free audiobooks to start -- after 30 days, get 1 book each month for $14.95/month
• Get 30% off the price of additional audiobook purchases
• Cancel anytime. Your books are yours to keep, even if you cancel.
Audible Gold Membership benefits:
• One audiobook per month for $14.95/mo
• 30% off the price of additional audiobook purchases
• Cancel anytime. A member’s books are theirs to keep, even if they cancel.
These are my favorite headphones for sleeping. Sound quality is very good and
they're comfy! It doesn't get better than that.