Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Product Review: Thundershirt! Dog Anxiety Solution

This is Rex.
I have a great dog.  Rex is a twelve year old red border collie.  He's normally a confidant, happy guy.  Then thunder rolls in, or someone lights a firework.  Loud sounds reduce him to a fearful puddle trembling under my husband's desk in our basement.  I have always felt bad for dogs who have fears because they're smart enough to know fear but not able to understand that noises won't actually harm them.  We've teased Rex, tried to comfort him and helped him find good hiding places from that mean old thunder but as he's aged I've been trying to make his life more comfortable over all so I resolved to alleviate his fears.  I decided to give the ThunderShirt a try.  

The kids and I giggled at the funny name, and who doesn't chuckle at the sight of dogs in shirts?  I admit, I was a skeptic about the shirt and had a "can't hurt anything" attitude about buying it but I hoped it worked. My hope was rewarded! I shouldn't have been such a skeptic - I swaddled my babies and that worked a charm.  This is the same concept. The first time I put it on Rex he almost immediately calmed.  It was crazy!  He visibly relaxed and laid down in the living room instead heading for the basement through the storm.  I'm sure it helped that the kids fawned over how cute he was in his shirt, but Rex really was less afraid!  He didn't seem to mind wearing it at all.  I've used it through two more storms and both times he has been able to just be Rex, unafraid and not hiding!  Every dog should have one of these!  I'm a believer in the ThunderShirt.

*My only complaint is that getting a scared dog to stand properly to get the shirt on is a bit challenging.  That's not a design flaw, just a fact of dealing with an anxious animal.  I  put the shirt on Rex and adjust it a bit after a few minutes when he has calmed so it isn't all bunched up.
This is Rex in his ThunderShirt.  See how it's on him a little crooked?
After he calms I am able to straighten it out and it fits perfectly.
You can buy your dog a ThunderShirt here.

From the manufacturer: ThunderShirt's patented design applies a gentle, constant pressure that has a dramatic calming effect for over 80% of dogs. Like swaddling an infant, Thundershirt is recommended by thousands of veterinarians and trainers around the world. Already helping millions of dogs, anytime calming is needed, a Thundershirt may help. Not just for thunder! Use for thunder, fireworks, separation anxiety, car travel, problem barking, general fearfulness, reactivity, and much, much more. A positive tool that almost all dogs seem to love to wear. With no need for training or medications, most dogs respond positively within minutes of the first use. Very easy to put on and take off. Made of lightweight, machine-washable material.

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