Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Move Aside Other Books, J.K. Rowling is Here!

Until midnight last night I was reading three books.  One was beautifully written and I was enjoying it immensely.  One was a recommendation from my daughter and I try to read what my kids recommend.  I'm appreciate it and can see why she liked it so well.  The third is the basis for a new movie coming out this fall that I may want to see so I decided I'd better read the book first.  Those books may as well have disappeared like a puff of wind at midnight though.  Amazon delivered Career of Evil, the latest by J.K. Rowling (under her pen name, Robert Galbraith, of course). It was like Christmas on my Kindle!  I won't even pretend to be as excited for a new Cormoran Strike book as I would be for more Harry Potter, but HELLO!  J.K. Rowling!  All in all the Strike books are good fun.  They're quick reads but too thoughtful to be throw aways.  Rowling always includes enough humor and red herrings to keep things interesting and honestly, they're a genre I'm  not normally drawn to so they're a fun change for me, too.  Because it was delivered after midnight I didn't allow myself to read a terrible lot (that silly sleep just insists on being part of my life), but I can tell you already that it's exciting and scary and I'm already hooked.  Today will be Career of Evil day at my house.  I'll let you know what I think when I've finished it.

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