Saturday, November 7, 2015

Pride, Prejudice & Zombies And Flashes of Hilarity

Sometimes you read something so fantastic you have to share it.  This sentence qualifies.
Click here to buy your copy of Pride, Prejudice and Zombies.
I was reading along last night, frankly feeling just a bit bored with Pride, Prejudice & Zombies.  I've read Pride and Prejudice twice in the last five years and I was thinking I'd enjoy the Zombie version more if it had been longer since I'd read the original.  Then I read the chapter from Charlotte Lucas' pointe of view.  The whole chapter was short and sweet and so subtly funny it made me like the whole book more.  With renewed interest, I now look forward to the second half of the book.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Bookworm Mom Struggle is Real: Read to My Kids or Read to Myself?

I'm reading one of my favorite books with my younger kids and as we read the delicious description of the wonderfully horrible Trunchbull last night, I found myself in a bit of a dilemma.  I was genuinely enjoying reading to my kids but I had been looking forward to bedtime all night so I could sneak away and read MY new book .  I realized I had discovered a main bookworm mom problem - keep reading to the kids or read for myself.  What a good problem to have!  In the end I read until the kids' really had to get to bed then sequestered myself in the bathroom so no one would bother me and read until I had to get to bed.  It was a good night.

(Oh, and Career of Evil is excellent.  I'm about a quarter of the way finished and normally by now I've got a pretty good handle on the bad guy in books like this, but not this time.  Rowling has given four possibilities and right now each is as likely as the next.  I love it when I can't figure the whole mystery right out of the box!)
The Struggle is Real

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Move Aside Other Books, J.K. Rowling is Here!

Until midnight last night I was reading three books.  One was beautifully written and I was enjoying it immensely.  One was a recommendation from my daughter and I try to read what my kids recommend.  I'm appreciate it and can see why she liked it so well.  The third is the basis for a new movie coming out this fall that I may want to see so I decided I'd better read the book first.  Those books may as well have disappeared like a puff of wind at midnight though.  Amazon delivered Career of Evil, the latest by J.K. Rowling (under her pen name, Robert Galbraith, of course). It was like Christmas on my Kindle!  I won't even pretend to be as excited for a new Cormoran Strike book as I would be for more Harry Potter, but HELLO!  J.K. Rowling!  All in all the Strike books are good fun.  They're quick reads but too thoughtful to be throw aways.  Rowling always includes enough humor and red herrings to keep things interesting and honestly, they're a genre I'm  not normally drawn to so they're a fun change for me, too.  Because it was delivered after midnight I didn't allow myself to read a terrible lot (that silly sleep just insists on being part of my life), but I can tell you already that it's exciting and scary and I'm already hooked.  Today will be Career of Evil day at my house.  I'll let you know what I think when I've finished it.

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Thursday, October 8, 2015

More Fantastic News for Harry Potter Fans!

Yesterday, I shared a few pages from the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.  I thought that was wonderful, but then I logged on to Facebook this morning and discovered all seven Harry Potter books are now available directly from iTunes (iBooks).  (You've previously had to purchase the ebooks through Pottermore.)  AND!  It gets even better!  They are enhanced editions, with the original text, gorgeous animations and illustrations and even interactions (similar to the old Pottermore).  So yeah...  I now know I will be buying yet another set of these books because like a Star Wars fan who buys every single iteration of the original trilogy, I MUST have these!

First, check out this AMAZING trailer!

Second, read this description!

Description from iTunes

Third, treat yourself to these books.  I am certain you need them.

Click here to buy
Click here to buy.

Click here to buy.
Click here to buy.
Click here to buy.
Click here to buy.

Click here to buy.

(When you buy through my links I earn a small advertising fee.  Thank you for supporting Lost Cat Books!)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Attention! The Illustrated Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Has Arrived!

Click here to buy your own!
It is no secret that I'm a wonderfully nerdy Potterhead.  If it's Rowling Approved, I want it.  I've been eagerly awaiting the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for months and have already ordered it for my son (yeah, right - we all know who it's really for).  If you haven't seen the teaser pictures that have been released over the last several weeks, I've  compiled them into a happy little slideshow for your viewing pleasure.  


Of course this is just a taste of what's in the book.  With over 100 new illustrations by Jim Kay, the artist hand picked by Jo herself, this book will be a Harry Potter lover's dream. 

I'm SO excited to introduce my son to this series with such an exciting and beautiful edition!

Friday, October 2, 2015

J.K. Rowling Never Disappoints Me

One thing J.K. Rowling fans love most about her is the way she actually interacts with us on Twitter.  (She's kinda the queen of cool there.)  This exchange came to my attention today and I'm sure I'll be chuckling about it for a long time.
Click here to follow Jo on Twitter

Friday, September 25, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015

A Positive Update on The End of Your Life Book Club

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about a book I'm not loving.  The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe seems like a book I'd absolutely adore and read in one day.  It's well written and about books for crying out loud!  What's not to love?  But, I haven't connected with it.  I've been forcing myself to read a page here and there just to get through it.  Finally though, I've hit a spot that really clenched my heart.  I'm about 30 pages from the end and without spoiling anything, the main character mother is on hospice care.  Things have gotten seriously real with her cancer and suddenly I've found the emotion that had been lacking. Will and his mom (Mary Ann) have read John Updike's book Tears of My Father: And Other Stories, a collection of short stories.  Will asks her which was her favorite story.  She says, "the first one".  It deals with death, which is currently hanging over her head like a velvet curtain. She directs Will to read this passage about a 55th class reunion:
This passage truly resonated with me.  I don't think any of us, once we are out of what we'd consider the prime of our lives, thinks of ourselves as any less than prime.  I know in my own head, I still feel like I'm 17, or maybe 21 or even 27, which was a very good year.  I imagine that will continue as I age, and frankly, I kind of like that idea.  The idealism of a room full of the rather aged still feeling like round cheeked beauties is lovely.  I also like that I've finally connected with Mary Ann, a truly remarkable woman who until this point in her story has felt at least an arms length from me.  At last, I feel I've really seen something very personal about her, about how she feels about her stage of life.  I know now that these final 30ish pages will fly by, and when all is said and done I may look back on the book as a whole with affection.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Product Review: Thundershirt! Dog Anxiety Solution

This is Rex.
I have a great dog.  Rex is a twelve year old red border collie.  He's normally a confidant, happy guy.  Then thunder rolls in, or someone lights a firework.  Loud sounds reduce him to a fearful puddle trembling under my husband's desk in our basement.  I have always felt bad for dogs who have fears because they're smart enough to know fear but not able to understand that noises won't actually harm them.  We've teased Rex, tried to comfort him and helped him find good hiding places from that mean old thunder but as he's aged I've been trying to make his life more comfortable over all so I resolved to alleviate his fears.  I decided to give the ThunderShirt a try.  

The kids and I giggled at the funny name, and who doesn't chuckle at the sight of dogs in shirts?  I admit, I was a skeptic about the shirt and had a "can't hurt anything" attitude about buying it but I hoped it worked. My hope was rewarded! I shouldn't have been such a skeptic - I swaddled my babies and that worked a charm.  This is the same concept. The first time I put it on Rex he almost immediately calmed.  It was crazy!  He visibly relaxed and laid down in the living room instead heading for the basement through the storm.  I'm sure it helped that the kids fawned over how cute he was in his shirt, but Rex really was less afraid!  He didn't seem to mind wearing it at all.  I've used it through two more storms and both times he has been able to just be Rex, unafraid and not hiding!  Every dog should have one of these!  I'm a believer in the ThunderShirt.

*My only complaint is that getting a scared dog to stand properly to get the shirt on is a bit challenging.  That's not a design flaw, just a fact of dealing with an anxious animal.  I  put the shirt on Rex and adjust it a bit after a few minutes when he has calmed so it isn't all bunched up.
This is Rex in his ThunderShirt.  See how it's on him a little crooked?
After he calms I am able to straighten it out and it fits perfectly.
You can buy your dog a ThunderShirt here.

From the manufacturer: ThunderShirt's patented design applies a gentle, constant pressure that has a dramatic calming effect for over 80% of dogs. Like swaddling an infant, Thundershirt is recommended by thousands of veterinarians and trainers around the world. Already helping millions of dogs, anytime calming is needed, a Thundershirt may help. Not just for thunder! Use for thunder, fireworks, separation anxiety, car travel, problem barking, general fearfulness, reactivity, and much, much more. A positive tool that almost all dogs seem to love to wear. With no need for training or medications, most dogs respond positively within minutes of the first use. Very easy to put on and take off. Made of lightweight, machine-washable material.

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Sunday, September 13, 2015

It's Roald Dahl Day! My Favorite Dahl Quotes Episode 10

Learn more about Roald Dahl.
September 13th is Roald Dahl's birthday (1916 - 1990).  In celebration of him, I've decided to share some of my favorite Dahl quotes.  Some are from his books, some are statements outside of his books.  They all inspire me, and make me want to read his lovely, magical books again.

This is the final Roald Dahl quote I will share today.  It is my favorite because for me, it sums up everything he was trying to do with his books.  Plus, it suggests my ideal life.  A lovely bookshelf on every wall would be beautiful life for me!

It's Roald Dahl Day! My Favorite Dahl Quotes Episode 9

Learn more about Roald Dahl.
September 13th is Roald Dahl's birthday (1916 - 1990).  In celebration of him, I've decided to share some of my favorite Dahl quotes.  Some are from his books, some are statements outside of his books.  They all inspire me, and make me want to read his lovely, magical books again.

Such a lovely and honest thought.

It's Roald Dahl Day! My Favorite Dahl Quotes Episode 8

Learn more about Roald Dahl.
September 13th is Roald Dahl's birthday (1916 - 1990).  In celebration of him, I've decided to share some of my favorite Dahl quotes.  Some are from his books, some are statements outside of his books.  They all inspire me, and make me want to read his lovely, magical books again.

This is just generally good advice for life.

It's Roald Dahl Day! My Favorite Dahl Quotes Episode 7

Learn more about Roald Dahl.
September 13th is Roald Dahl's birthday (1916 - 1990).  In celebration of him, I've decided to share some of my favorite Dahl quotes.  Some are from his books, some are statements outside of his books.  They all inspire me, and make me want to read his lovely, magical books again.

It's Roald Dahl Day! My Favorite Dahl Quotes Episode 6

Learn more about Roald Dahl.
September 13th is Roald Dahl's birthday (1916 - 1990).  In celebration of him, I've decided to share some of my favorite Dahl quotes.  Some are from his books, some are statements outside of his books.  They all inspire me, and make me want to read his lovely, magical books again.


It's Roald Dahl Day! My Favorite Dahl Quotes Episode 5

Learn more about Roald Dahl.
September 13th is Roald Dahl's birthday (1916 - 1990).  In celebration of him, I've decided to share some of my favorite Dahl quotes.  Some are from his books, some are statements outside of his books.  They all inspire me, and make me want to read his lovely, magical books again.

Enough said.

It's Roald Dahl Day! My Favorite Dahl Quotes Episode 4

Learn more about Roald Dahl.
September 13th is Roald Dahl's birthday (1916 - 1990).  In celebration of him, I've decided to share some of my favorite Dahl quotes.  Some are from his books, some are statements outside of his books.  They all inspire me, and make me want to read his lovely, magical books again.

One of the things I like most about Dahl is his commitment to making books fun for kids but still infusing them with important messages and realistic characters.  He had such a light touch it's easy to forget that his books are more than just fun and it takes a little reflection to realize just how wonderful they really are.

It's Roald Dahl Day! My Favorite Dahl Quotes Episode 3

Learn more about Roald Dahl.
September 13th is Roald Dahl's birthday (1916 - 1990).  In celebration of him, I've decided to share some of my favorite Dahl quotes.  Some are from his books, some are statements outside of his books.  They all inspire me, and make me want to read his lovely, magical books again.

I just love how playful and silly Dahl's books are.  They never fail to make me smile.

It's Roald Dahl Day! My Favorite Dahl Quotes Episode 2

Learn more about Roald Dahl.
September 13th is Roald Dahl's birthday (1916 - 1990).  In celebration of him, I've decided to share some of my favorite Dahl quotes.  Some are from his books, some are statements outside of his books.  They all inspire me, and make me want to read his lovely, magical books again.

Matilda is a particular favorite of mine.  The Wormwoods are some of the most delicious villains in all of children's literature.  Truly awful people, but not scary for little ones.  (Trunchbull is another story, but she also adds the just right bit of fear.)

It's Roald Dahl Day! My Favorite Dahl Quotes Episode 1

Learn more about Roald Dahl.
September 13th is Roald Dahl's birthday (1916 - 1990).  In celebration of him, I've decided to share some of my favorite Dahl quotes.  Some are from his books, some are statements outside of his books.  They all inspire me, and make me want to read his magical books again.